Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Post to defer consideration of the draft law calling for the right to know the private courier

Yesterday, the "First Financial Daily" informed that the original plan by the end of September to discuss the adoption of relevant meetings of the "Postal Law" Eighth Draft ("the eighth draft of"), the discussion has been postponed, which means that the eighth draft It also will be delayed into the NPC Standing Committee, the agency review process.

At the same time, private express delivery companies and foreign express delivery companies have asked the eighth draft of the public.

By the end of September, the relevant state ministries and commissions for the first time on the eighth draft of non-postal business exchanges in Shanghai, but 4 hours of the forum is still unable to resolve conflicts.

"11" holiday on the eve of the State Council Legislative Affairs Office Deputy Director Dong Chaojie industry, transport, industry, the State Post Management Division of Dawa and others with 20 private companies and four major international express delivery giant, held a discussion meeting with the two non-postal business hour or so presentation of views, including a call for fair competition in the postal sector, to correct "Postal Law" legislation in the unfair practices.

End of the forum, the Dongchao Jie said that she was related to the State Council leadership shown with Fan Ying everyone's views, but these views, "To step" which should all postal 浼佷笟 An Zhao Fei's observations may be difficult to promote reform, the legal system to further improved, taking into account the special situation in China.

钁h秴娲佹墍鎸囩殑鈥滅壒娈婂浗鎯呪?锛屽叾瀹炲氨鏄鍏鑽夋涓?150鍏嬩互涓嬬殑淇′欢涓洪偖鏀夸笓钀モ?鐨勮瀹氬湪涓浗閭斂鏂归潰鍜屾皯钀ュ揩閫掓柟闈㈡病鑳借揪鎴愪竴鑷达紝姘戣惀蹇?浼佷笟璁や负鏄墺澶轰簡浠栦滑鐢熷瓨鐨勬潈鍒╋紝璁や负搴旇缂╁皬涓撹惀鑼冨洿锛屾垨鑰呮寜鐓ч噸閲忓拰璧勮垂鐩哥粨鍚堢殑鏂瑰紡銆?br />
鍙﹀锛屾皯钀ュ揩閫掍紒涓氭寚鍑猴紝涓庣浜旂鑽夋涓嶅悓鐨勬槸锛岀鍏鑽夋涓儚鎶ュ叧鍗曘?鎻愬崟绛夊晢鍔′俊鍑戒篃瑕佽绾冲叆涓撹惀鑼冨洿銆?br />

涓嶈繃锛岄櫎浜嗕笓钀ユ潈鐨勭煕鐩撅紝闈為偖鏀夸紒涓氱洰鍓嶆渶杩垏鐨勮姹傚氨鏄叕寮??閭斂娉曘?鑽夋绗叓绋裤?鑰岄偖鏀挎柟闈㈠拰鐩稿叧绔嬫硶鍙備笌浜哄垯璁や负锛岀洰鍓嶈繕涓嶉?鍚堝叕甯冿紝绛変粖鍚庢彁浜ゅ叏鍥戒汉澶у悗鎵嶄簣浠ュ叕甯冨苟寰佹眰鎰忚銆?br />


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